Don’t miss the opportunity to study in colleges with edutrust certification

Eduvalue is a sweet mix between consultancy and outsourcing bringing both internal and external perspectives to your institution. Eduvalue is one of Asia’s leading companies that specializes in quality assurance for education establishments by specializing in edutrust certification awarded by the Council of Private Education.

They provide key support in areas such as strategy, operations, and cooperated development.

What does Eduvalue believe in?

Eduvalue is the best in class. The key qualities are encapsulated within these four icons which are diamond, well documented, professional and industry benchmarking. Their core group comprises a team of aspiring and sentimental Uvs that are well-liked and accepted by their school. They stand out from the fierce competition by edging over others with a sense of personal drive and a quality standard.

Client service

edutrust certification

Eduvalue has developed and stabilized education systems that have a lasting operational impact. The red flood is for visual lines and understanding enterprise of news, verifying educational information with analytical skills, summarized detailed reports, great school standards with effective system and informative verification. There are various ways that Eduvalue enhances standards with the help of edutrust certification

It focuses on high-quality standards, adoption of overseas technology in operational mottos, and focusing on the company’s group operation. Having worked with successful PEI their experienced consultants can teach you how to create an edutrust system and present your PEI in a way that is closely aligned with edutrust requirements.

Edutrust certification with TMC Academy

TMC Academy in partnership with the University of Northampton in the UK provides you with the opportunity to complete an honors degree in psychology at TMC’s campus in Singapore. TMC Academy was established in Singapore in 1981 and offers widely recognized courses in various disciplines. The University of Northampton is an award-winning university and is ranked 16th out of 119 institutions for overall student satisfaction. The graduates are either in the workforce or in their postgraduate studies.

The study of psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior that seeks to explain how we feel, think, and behave. It is an applied science and multi-faceted discipline that includes areas such as clinical, human development, social, counseling, health, organizational, and cognitive psychology. The psychology degree at the University of Northampton aims to equip you with skills to scientifically analyze human behavior and develop practical knowledge of scientific skills that are transferable to careers both within and outside of the field.

This academy offers diploma, graduate diploma, and higher diploma courses in psychology where the students have the option of progressing to the final gear of The Bachelor of Science in psychology with honors or the Bachelor of Science in psychology and counseling with honors.